Where is the best place for the piano in my home?
The ideal location for the piano is inside wall areas. However, outside walls are okay. Keep pianos away from heating sources, drafty windows and doors, direct sunlight, and very damp areas. Note: The most important factor that causes pianos to go out of tune is humidity and temperature changes. Whether a piano is played, not played, in good or bad condition, the location is very important.
How Often Should My Piano Be Tuned?
We recommend twice a year to maintain the standard A-440 pitch of your normal use home piano. At the very least, once a year is a must.

Why don’t my piano keys feel right?
There are over 9,000 parts in a piano action, and most of them must be adjusted to tolerances of a few thousandths of an inch. In addition, damp and dry environments will cause problems with the feel and performance of your piano. So please notify us of this at the time you schedule your tuning appointment and we will allow extra time in our schedule.
Why my piano may need more than one tuning?
When a piano is not serviced on a regular basis or subjected to extreme humidity and/or temperature change, it is impossible to achieve a stable tuning with just one regular tuning. Multiple tunings at one time is referred to as a pitch raise.

How do I clean piano keys and piano case?
To clean piano keys and case, simply use a small amount of mild soap and water on a soft, damp cloth. Dry with a soft dry cloth.
How do I schedule an appointment?
To schedule an appointment, request a quote from one of our service pages or simply send an email. Please indicate if the piano needs repairs or must be serviced by a specific date.
Can I tune my piano the same day I move it?
Piano will need to acclimate to the new location for a few weeks before being tuned.

What types of payments do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Checks and Cash Discounts.